Branch Updates

The Silverstone branch is now permanently closed. Please join us in celebrating the grand opening of the Pinnacle branch (located at the corner of Locust Grove and Lake Hazel roads in South Meridian) on September 30, 2024! 

Brick Club

Primary tabs

Program Type:

Do an Activity
Please note you are looking at an event that has already happened.

Program Description

Event Details

Build something from your imagination, or try the monthly theme! This is a casual free build program. We have the Legos and space; you have the fun!


When the COVID-19 community risk level in Ada County is High as defined by the CDC, this program will be capped at 20 participants. Spaces will be available on a first-come, first-served basis. 


We often take photographs during library events. Please let our photographer know if you do not want us to publish photos of your child.