Branch Updates

The Silverstone branch is now permanently closed. Please join us in celebrating the grand opening of the Pinnacle branch (located at the corner of Locust Grove and Lake Hazel roads in South Meridian) on September 30, 2024! 

Finances & Reports

Financial Documents & Reports

Meridian Library District Approved Budget


Fiscal Year 2022-2023 Amended

Fiscal Year 2023-2024 Original

Property & Sales Tax Revenue* $7,893,567 $8,244,061
Non-Tax Revenue $639,700 $306,750
Total Revenue $8,533,267 $8,550,811
Personnel $4,450,000 $5,214,850
Collections $923,000 $999,435
Operating Expenses $1,418,930 $1,897,809
Capital Expenses $200,000 $348,872
Transfer Out - Capital Projects Fund $216,659 $89,845
Transfer Out - To Capital Repair & Replacement Fund $664,678 $0.00
General Fund - Six Month Reserve $660,000 $0.00
Total Expenditures $8,533,267 $8,550,811
General Fund - Six Month Reserve $4,000,000 $4,000,000
Capital Repair & Replacement Fund $5,955,781 $5,955,781
General Fund Balance $9,955,781 $9,955,781
BEGINNING BALANCE $2,621,912 $2,954,241
Plant Facilities Levy Revenue $1,400,000 $1,400,000
Capital Projects Interest $95,670 $76,500
Capital Projects Fund Grants & Donations $250,000 $160,000
Finance Proceeds $0.00 1,500,000
Transfer In - From General Fund $216,659 $89,845
Total Revenue $1,962,329 $3,226,345
Orchard Park Project Costs $1,630,000 $0.00
South Branch Project Costs $0.00 $5,818,728
Total Expenditures $1,630,000 $5,818,728
Capital Projects Fund Balance $2,954,241 $361,858
Total Fund Balances $12,910,022 $10,317,639

* Fiscal Year 2024 Property Tax Levy includes forgone recovered of $166,817; $89,845 in capital forgone to be used on South Branch capital equipment and $76,972 in operating forgone to be used in general operations. 

Capital Repair and Replacement Fund to be expended for Cherry Lane renovations estimated to be completed in FY 2026.

Capital Projects Fund to be expended to complete the South Branch capital project in FY 2024 and Cherry Lane renovations estimated to be completed FY 2026.