Branch Updates

The Silverstone branch is now permanently closed. Please join us in celebrating the grand opening of the Pinnacle branch (located at the corner of Locust Grove and Lake Hazel roads in South Meridian) on September 30, 2024! 

Book a Librarian

Would you like a personal introduction to resources available at the library? Do you need one on one help that will take more than a few minutes?

Use this form to Book a Librarian!

What is the best time to call?

Please choose the topic that most closely fits your request.
Note: Librarians are not legal, medical or tax professionals. Some questions or topics may lead to referral to other information providers.

Get your business off the ground, make a plan, conduct market research, start a prototype, build a website, and more!
We have 3D printers, a CNC machine, Cricut, laser engraver, podcast studio, and more.
Troubleshoot your device or get help with computer use.
Please tell us about the device you want to troubleshoot, if you have a specific research question, etc.